
Posted on 2.3.24

Hey Turds! We’re quickly approaching Fat Tuesday where we get to see a special brand of stupid (and fun). We all get foggy brained this time of year; all the sugar, booze, and lack of sleep really mess with our sensibilities. That’s why it is so important to be a little extra thoughtful and courteous, especially to those of us in the service industry.

Speaking of courtesy, we’ve noticed a frustrating trend especially when it comes to respecting other peoples’ time. We’re struggling with no call, no shows often leading to declined cards when charging the missed appointment fee. Another frustrating trend is that people are not notifying us when they’re going to be late. Everyone is late in New Orleans, and often it isn’t our fault. You catch a train, get trapped in a sink hole, or caught in a detour loop. Trust us…we get it. But what happened to the common courtesy of giving a heads up when you know you won’t be on time? The lack of communication can impact our entire day, so we all need to work keeping other peoples’ needs in perspective.    

We aren’t perfect people, but we work hard and do our best. We’re as generous and cool to people as we possibly can be, but lately people aren’t being super cool to us. The lack of respect for our time is a big issue. It isn’t just happening to us; I think most people in the service industry can relate whether it’s their time, their skill, their pedigree…we aren’t always seen and treated as humans with needs. The customer-merchant relationship is a two-way street, and it requires all of us to be considerate of others.

We’ve got a whole year ahead of us and plenty of time to work on our kindness. Our team would like to focus on healthy communication, meeting new challenges, and building new relationships in our community. We have so much to celebrate and be grateful for. Even though the life we chose has its challenges, we’re so proud of what our hard work has accomplished. Chris and Jenny are also about to celebrate 13 years of marriage (on Mardi Gras day, in fact) and August will mark their 10-year anniversary here in New Orleans. We don’t know what the future holds but we’re ready for whatever comes our way.

C, J, & H

TYE… Tye has moved on and is back to cutting full time at Nick’s in Harahan. We wish him all the best!

HANNAH… Hannah is simply crushing it lately. She’s getting quite good with the straight razor which only confirms that she’s a little bit of a creep.

JENNY… Jenny is doing her usual job of holding down the fort and keeping us on schedule. She’s also really excited for Fat Tuesday when she and Chris will have a special ceremony celebrating 13 years of marriage…on February 13th!   

CHRIS… One day Chris will have a day off that’s not due to holidays and other obligations. One day he will be free.

DEBY… No real changes with Deby’s schedule. So come say hello on a Wednesday or Saturday afternoon to ask about her recently adopted fur baby…that puppy really hit the jackpot!

MOXIE… Can we just talk about how scary the weather has been!? Just makes a beagle want to bunker up and cuddle with Mommy. I couldn’t even go to work, that’s how scary it was. Doesn’t matter though, cuz I will always be EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH, LITERALLY EVERY MONTH! They really need me around here.  

MARDI GRAS HOURSWE ARE CLOSED Muses Thursday through Ash Wednesday, 2/8 – 2/14!!!! If you need a haircut in the month of February, BOOK IT NOW! We know 3 or 4 weeks away sounds like plenty of time, but with our limited availability we’re going to book fast for the rest of this spring semester!


  1. 10 Minute Rule of Thumb please avoid being more than 10 minutes early for your appointments. If you are 10 or more minutes late for an appointment, we may not be able to accommodate your appointment and you will be charged accordingly.  
  2. Lunch break WE CLOSE FOR LUNCH from 12:30 to 1:00 pm. We ask that you do not walk in during that time. We need those 30 minutes to recharge our batteries.
  3. Phones & booking we are open Tuesday – Saturday and do not respond to calls or texts after business hours. Please use our self-serve booking system unless you are canceling/rescheduling with less than 1 hours’ notice. If you do need help, leave us a voicemail and we will respond ASAP but no later than 24 business hours.   

GRIPES & GRATITUDE… Living in New Orleans sometimes feels like one big gripe. The maddening timing of road construction right before Mardi Gras, violence is a massive crisis, and every time we blink, someone new needs to boil their water. What is happening to our beautiful city?  We encourage millions to come here to celebrate meanwhile citizens can’t drink water or flush their toilets. There is magic here; there is love and all the things that unite us. But something needs to change. This isn’t coming from a desire for New Orleans to be something it’s not; it’s exactly the opposite. Letting her fall into decay is not the same as holding onto the culture that makes New Orleans special. The cycles of Mardi Gras…Jazz Fest…summer lulls…rinse and repeat allow us to get lost in time (where some of that magic lies). But sometimes it feels like we’re forgetting to replenish ourselves and take care of the physical ground beneath us. Maybe it all starts with gratitude. And the reminder to love what we have. Take care of what we have. Don’t take what we have for granted.

Chris and Jenny Post Engagement 2011